Monday, January 27, 2014

My First Pattern Needs a Name!

A new year and trying out new things! 

I always crochet on the fly, without a pattern (about 98% of the time, it's my own random creation) but sometimes I create some pretty cool stuff and other people might want to make their own.  So recently, I decided to try my hand at pattern writing and I wrote a fingerless glove pattern that I created for my mom as a birthday present to accompany a hat I made her. 

I have my testers making sure that I made the pattern for others to read and not just my own eyes right now and hope to release the pattern within the next couple of days. 

The pattern, needs a name though!  I would like your help  with some ideas.  I will be getting with my hubby and testers and we will select a name and the winner will receive a copy of my first pattern!  Also, one of my testers has graciously offered the same color skein of yarn she used to make these beauties to the winner of the name contest!

Please submit your ideas here or on Facebook!  You can follow DefySocietyArts on FB here: Defy Society Arts, also there may be another giveaway for this pattern when it releases!  Keep your eyes peeled.  :)


(Contest is now closed, pattern name has been selected: Fingers Crossed can be downloaded now.  Thank you to everyone who submitted a name!)


  1. Jessie, I saw the results your pattern tester got, I LOVE THIS PATTERN!! I can't wait until it comes out! I would definitely make these!

    1. Yay! I'm glad you like :) any name ideas? You could win a free copy if it's chosen!

  2. Winding Wands? They look magical...

    Katie =^..^=

  3. Winter Windings. Love the pattern & the colours are divine. :)

  4. Twisted Mitts - beautiful pattern. I just love crocheted cables
